
opening hours

How to get the radio edition of LAAV - Language as a Virus

Start out by making your way to one of the three broadcast Starting Points: the Roundhouse Community Centre,  the Burrard Public Marina, or Chez Wright on 7th Ave near Alder.

Once you are at your chosen location, look for a poster with instructions on how to tune in. 

Stand near the poster and tune your radio to FM 88.9. It is the next station above CBC Radio 1. You should now be hearing the local stations’ broadcast. Keep your radio tuned to this frequency as you wander around False Creek. You might start hearing static and lose connection as you walk, but as you approach the next location the broadcast will come back on again. If you enjoyed listening, consider contributing your own response to the project through the website:

How to get more out of your LAAV experience:  Listen to Isolation Radio for the Public Service Announcements about the Queer Arts Festival. Then check out, your guide to all of the exciting events happening during the festival. Get inspired by the wide range of online and in person events to attend the shows. Buy tickets for a show and then support the QAF with a donation.