
How to get the online edition of LAAV

To listen online, go to and click on Locations. Once there, choose which centre you want to listen to from the list. Press play and you can hear the stories shared and submitted by that community. If you want to listen to stories on a specific topic, choose a theme from the page and stories with that theme from all the location will be added to your playlist. You can also see the questions I am asking relating to the themes I am asking. If any of the questions resonate with you, consider contributing your own story to the project.

How to get more out of your LAAV experience

Listen to Isolation Radio for the Public Service Announcements about the Queer Arts Festival. Then check out, your guide to all of the exciting events happening during the festival. Get inspired by the wide range of online and in person events to attend the shows. Buy tickets for a show and then support the QAF with a donation.

How to get the radio edition of LAAV

Start out by making your way to one of the three broadcast Starting Points: the Roundhouse Community Centre, Creekside Community Centre or the Burrard Public Marina. Once you are at your chosen location, look for a poster with instructions on how to tune in. Stand near the poster and tune your radio to FM 88.9. It is the next station above CBC Radio 1. You should now be hearing the local stations’ broadcast. Keep your radio tuned to this frequency as you wander around False Creek. You might start hearing static and lose connection as you walk, but as you approach the next location the broadcast will come back on again. If you enjoyed listening, consider contributing your own response to the project through the website:


To contribute your own voice, enter your name below and you will be prompted to choose a centre to locate your story to. Then, pick from the list of theme tags that relate to what you want to say and consider the prompt questions. (You don’t have to answer any of questions in the prompt, they are just suggestions to get you thinking.) Next, record your story on your mobile phone, zoom recorder, microphone or whatever device you have access to. The contributions don’t have to be stories, they could also be thoughts, songs, rambles, rants or anything you can think of that relates to the project and tagged topics. Don’t be afraid to share- all kinds of sonic responses are welcomed and accepted! When you are finished recording, upload your file (.mp3, .mp4, .wav) and submit it below. It will take up to three days for your file to be processed by the moderation team. After this, you can listen back to the broadcast of the community centre you selected to hear it included! It will also be included in any of the themes that it addresses.

How to contribute your story /community-center

Want to be part of the broadcast and tell your story? This project would not be possible without listener contributions! Click below to learn how you can get involved and have your own voice be heard.